Продукти за wangzhi cnzsct com (6)

Suavinex - Купете Suavinex за вашия (уеб)магазин

Suavinex - Купете Suavinex за вашия (уеб)магазин

At Suavinex you can buy products and collections from the categories: Baby products Baby care products Pacifiers. Visit our showroom in Trademart.
WPC 80 Суроватъчен Протеин

WPC 80 Суроватъчен Протеин

WPC 80 Molken Protein
slack wax - slack wax, свещ, восък, масло, парафин, рафиниран парафин, остатъчен восък

slack wax - slack wax, свещ, восък, масло, парафин, рафиниран парафин, остатъчен восък

Slack Wax The by-product from the solvent de-waxing process provides a broad range of melting points and physical and performance characteristics that are suitable for use in various products and process applications. This product is used as blending components or waterproofing agents in the manufacture of various industrial products such as candles, polishes, matches, inks, and carbon paper, and externally can be applied as good dust suppressants or controlled-release agents for various chemical and fertilizers. We can propose a suitable offer based on your needs. Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information. Mobile: +905318337385 Email: y.nazari@tedoraco.com Website: www.tedoraco.com
Персонализирано Приложение & Софтуер

Персонализирано Приложение & Софтуер

Conseils et sous-traitance en Technologie informatique Au cours des 15 dernières années, nous avons coopéré avec plus de 400 sociétés de logiciels, développant, ensemble, plus de 50 000 programmes et logiciels, ensuite exportés dans plus de 30 pays à travers le monde. Cette expérience nous confère une excellence dans plusieurs domaines, allant de l’apport de toutes sortes de conseils en technologie informatique, à la confection de logiciels et autres équipements, la construction de systèmes-réseau, en passant par des actions de maintenance et de mise à niveau.